Punjab Green Scheme
Background of Green Tractor Scheme
This scheme, launched at a cost of 10 billion rupees, has been launched to provide special subsidy to farmers of Punjab. The main purpose of starting this scheme is to increase the income and strengthen the economy. Because providing tractors to the farmers in this modern era will not only reduce their labor but will alsoincrease in the production of crops, which will not only make the farmers prosperous but also make the agricultural Strong.
Last Date Of Registration
Under this scheme, the Punjab government has provided a special chance to farmers to get subsidy to the purchasing of tractors. However, it is important that farmers do not miss this opportunity because today is the last day to complete the registration process.After that, farmers will not be able to submit their applications from this scheme. So this day is important for farmers who are wanted to get subsidy by completing their registration.
Also Read:Big News! 10 Days Left In Green Tractor Scheme Registration In Punjab
Procedure Of Registration in Green Tractor Scheme
Farmers who want to get benefit from this scheme submit their application online by going to the official portal that is created by the Govt for the tractor scheme. Also, farmers who cannot submit an online application or do not have internet access can also contact their nearest Deputy Director Agriculture Extension office to submit their application and get the application form. After that, you fill it out and submit it back.Aart from these two methods, there is no third method for the registration process . So if you have not completed your registration, then it is last chance to complete your registration.
Apart from this,there is no fee for completing the registration. Therefore, if any person or Govt representative demands a fee from you for submitting application, you must report it immediately by calling the Agricultural Helpline at 0800 17000. So that legal action can be taken against him.
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Importance Of Tractor Scheme In This Era
This scheme launched by theGovt of Punjab is agreat opportunity for farmers to get access to modern agricultural machinery, which will lead to increase their agricultural production. So farmers should take full advantage of this Chance and do not let this opportunity go to waste and submit their application on time according to the government deadline.
Final Thought
The green tractor scheme is an important and effective initiative for the farmers of Punjab that will revolutionize the agriculture.Under this scheme, the farmers of Punjab can get access to modern tractors at low cost, increase their production, and contribute to the stabilization of the country’s economy. As today is the last day to complete registration, farmers from all over Punjab should complete their registration process today and take advantage of this opportunity to build a better future for themselves #. Further, if you guys want to get any kind of information about it or you have any question related to this scheme, you can visit to office.