PM Skill to Empower Women

PM Women Empowerment Skill Courses Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has launched courses to empower women and make them skilled. These courses will be of duration of three months to six months and the purpose of conducting these courses is to empower women and make women skilled. Bar women can get skilled by getting these courses through Nattc. Thanks to this they will consider themselves independent and this article will tell you complete details about the courses, how to register for the courses and how to get the courses. After reading this article aspiring women will know complete details in simple words. Women Empowerment Skill Courses

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The duration of these courses can range from three to six months and this tutorial will give you complete details on how to get your details. If you or any member of your family wants to join this program, they can easily get all this information through this method. If you need more information, you can visit our website. You will be told whether you are eligible and how you will be registered for courses.

Free Course Training Details

All the courses mentioned above will be conducted to empower women and provide them with all the information they need to take these courses. And you can prove yourself capable and skilled. This article gives you all the information you need to know if you are in the program or not.

Check out these courses. If you are interested in a course you can apply for your registration.

  • Plumbing and Solar Water Heating Technician
  • Ventilation, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (HVACR)
  • General Electrician, UPS and Solar PV Technician
  • Home appliance repair maintenance
  • Auto electrician, plumber/pipe fitter
  • security guard
  • Mobile phone repair

Aspirant women can check all the information according to their choice in the article which courses they will join in this program, if you also want more details then you can choose one of these courses and your choice. According to. If you want to do a course for a period of three months to six months, the courses can be done for free.

How to register for free training courses

Women who have not been admitted can visit their nearest New TTC office. The educational criteria have been kept as low as possible so that every woman can register in it. No need to worry, complete details are provided to you. In simple words, no educational qualification is necessary for women who want to join this program. As these courses aim to empower poor families, educational qualification does not mean much for these courses, women are allowed to register in these courses whether it is primary middle, or inter.

Women with more education are also provided with equal opportunities that are provided to other women. Go to Navttc office and there you have to tell your educational background and choose your preferred course. Apart from this these courses also have online classes, you can also register through online classes.

Online Apply Procedure 2024

Women who cannot step out of the house have the option of studying online from home. The application procedure is quite simple. All information is given here. Thus interested women can easily apply online. To make it easier for you to enter your details, we’ve added an Apply button below.

You will then be able to confirm your registration. If women want to empower themselves, they can enroll at home without any fee. And it has all this information. Those who want to apply but are not sure about the process can easily get all the necessary information.

Eligibility Criteria

PM Women Empowerment Skill Courses Eligibility criteria are not fixed in this program, women who want to have less education can join this program and take self-empowerment courses etc. Take the course or not, you have two options: One option is to take the course at home.

And also if you don’t want to take the course at home then you can go and take your basic class from any institution near you and prove yourself to be a master in women. Women who want to take the free course should read this article at home and after reading this article many times they will have a good chance to become independent. But they also worry about not getting it so they can take courses to improve themselves.

Documents Required

  1. CNIC Card

  2. Mobile Number

  3. Email

  4. ID card size 250 KB photo

  5. last degree/certificate photo 250 KB size

  6. your photo 250 KB size

Contact Information

Province Phone Number
Islamabad Pk # 051-9206324
Punjab PK # 042-99330387-94
KPK Pk # 091-9217663
Sindh Pk # 021-99217987
Balochistan PK 081-9201990

Final Words

PM Women Empowerment Skills Courses This article tells you how you can register yourself for online courses and the steps you should follow to register yourself. You will be registered by following the simple steps to join this program.

For those who want to know more details and information, more information and details are provided here. So they can get all the information in this article if you need more information you want to earn money from home by registering in this program. So here you are given a very simple procedure, more information and details are given here so that you don’t need to go anywhere else.

By jameel

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