Sehat Card

Sehat Card Online Apply. A Sehat Card Code “8500” has been introduced. Your eligibility can be ascertained by using the 8500 sehat Card check code. Once your eligibility has been verified, pick up a sehat insaf card at the registration station closest to you in your district.

Health is the state of the complete well-being of the body physically, mentally, and emotionally. There is a well-known saying, “Health is wealth.” to keep people in the best of health, it is necessary to provide them with medical assistance. Now you can check Online registration.

Sehat Card Program:

A significant step toward social welfare reforms, the Sehat Card Online Program allows low-income individuals nationwide to receive medical care in a respectable manner and without having to worry about paying for it. With an initial coverage of Rs 60,000 per family annually, the project provides secondary care treatment. New update about Card Online Program 2024.

Sehat Card


Health Card Program:

If needed, further coverage up to Rs 60000 per year for a family is provided after that. A total of 12,000 families are provided with secondary care annually. This Ehsaas health insurance scheme also includes priority care treatment, with a family’s whole annual health spending budget of 600,000 being covered.

Sehat sahulat Program online Registration:

The Pakistani government launched a program offering free health insurance to all citizens. That plan’s primary goal is to make healthcare more accessible to the most vulnerable members of society. It is necessary to be aware of Ehssas Sehat Sahulat’s eligibility for anyone wishing to register for Ehaas Sehat Sahulat. There are two methods for registering online for the Ehsaas Sahulat program. 

Health Sahulat Check Online:

Go to the provided URL, select the eligibility information. To confirm your eligibility, enter your CNIC number, click Given Capture, and then click Confirm.

You can also register for the sehat program by sending your ID number to 8500, without any slashes. Regarding your eligibility for the Ehsaas health program, 8500 will respond to you.

By Javeed

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